Missing Build Docs / Schematics

Anybody have the drill template for the Kings Hand that they could share? I haven't been able to find another build that has the same kind of layout with the two toggle switches beneath the 2nd row of pots. I know the build docs haven't been posted yet, but any help with just getting a drill template for it would be amazing!
Could I get a drill template for the Dielectric boost?
I feel foolish since it’s a 1 knob build but the foot switches and LEDs are a bit wider than the 125B template I have is.
Are there Build Docs/Drill template for the Pot and Kettle? I bought it when it was on sale, so if there's been an update since then, I'd need the older build docs. Thanks!
Okay, there is about to be an influx of new projects...... but I want to tie up any loose ends first.

Is anyone waiting on any missing build docs / schematics? (Not including the most recent releases, those are already on my list)
Not sure if it's already been stated or not, but the docs on the Fordobal/ Thorpy the Dane. I was able to get it mostly completed using just the information on the pcb, but wanted to hold off and wait on the drill template, given the close proximity to the pots.
I put together my own BOM's because of how I pre-kit my projects. Here's what I took from the silkscreen image on the Fordoble Boost + Drive product page. Hope it's correct and helps.

Fordoble Boost + Drive

1N5817 1
1N747A 2
GE 2
1N4148 9

47R 1
220R 1
680R 2
1K 1
2K7 1
3K3 1
4K7 3
10K 3
12K 2
15K 1
47K 1
51K 1
100K 2
330K 1
1M 1
2M2 1
10M 1

DIP-8 2

100p 2
470p 1

4n7 1
10n 1
100n 1
220n 2
470n 1

Electrolytic (25V)
1u 1
2u2 2
100u 2

OPA2134 2

A10k 1
A1M 1
B100k 2
C100k 1

SPDT on-on 1

LED 5mm 2
Enc 1590BB
Knobs 5
If it's not too much trouble, could you post the Snozzberry BOM? Trying to make out my parts order before the PCB arrives! :)