Muffin Factory Clarification (dip switch board) Sorted!!


New member
G'day folks,

Just after some clarification on which way to solder the dip switches and header pins to the break out board.
on the silk screen side or the back side?
I'm going to have the dip switches external.
I'm getting a bit confused with the labelling being opposite from the faceplate to the dip board.
Or does it not matter because of where the header pins go into the main PCB?


I mount them on the side with the silk screen, but it really doesn't matter.

The labeling on the dipswitch module is opposite because when you internally mount the dipswitches (the only time you'd actually be able to see the labels) they'd be in opposite order.
Awesome! Thank you! I was going around in circles, until I realised it probably doesn't matter but wanted to get a varification.