Oops Zendrive


Well-known member
Not really a new build. I did this one at the start of the pandemic. I am giving a pedal to a friend and selected this one because it had a battery clip in it, and I'm not sure if they have a pedal power supply.

Only today, when I went to set it up for them did I discover that there's not enough room to fit the battery. I mounted the switch sideways so the LED on breakout board was in the right spot--but that puts the breakout board extending too far into the battery space.


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It's so close to squeezing in there... 🤌

If you've got a taper-reamer or a rat-tail file you can enlarge the stomper-hole on its north side by 1mm 🤏 and the plastic ring will still cover the slightly enlarged hole. That 1mm shouldn't make a difference with the LED legs, but if need be you can reheat the LED's solder-points just to relieve the strain.

Should be an easy fix, judging from the pic. 👌
Thanks for the suggestions!

Another thought I had was just to turn the switch back to its intended orientation. The breakout board sticks out least on its bottom side, and that might be enough. I'd just have to run wires to the LED. Although looking at it, the top part of the breakout board might end up touching the jacks.

Maybe I should just ask if they have a power supply, as it might be a non-issue. Or get them one of those battery to jack doohookies.
Maybe yank that 3PDT out and put one in with no wiring board?

(I make it sound like its just soooo easy)