Wet/dry pedal?

@eh là bas ma

Check out the TransLocator from GGG, that could work for dropping FX into and out of the Pro-Cessor's loops.

As for understanding phase...

À l'inverse, si ces canaux étaient parfaitement "déphasés" (c'est-à-dire que l'amplitude la plus faible de l'onde d'un canal se produit lorsque l'onde de l'autre canal est la plus forte), leurs pics et leurs creux s'annuleraient mutuellement. Ce phénomène est appelé "interférence destructive" ou "annulation de phase"



Of course, any sonics more complicated than a sine-wave aren't going to be entirely silent when two signals are out of phase, but often you can hear a volume drop and or a dullness to the sound...

So making sure your pedals aren't inverting phase when dry-blending is important...
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I built the buff-n-blend for the same reason
Is it possible with this circuit or slight modifications to have the attached pedal be at 100% and blend in the clean signal while retaining the pedal at 100% volume?
Or am I completely wrong with the buff-n-blend?
Right now I can chose in relation to how the pot is mounted if I want to go from all pedal to all clean or all clean to all pedal.
Be warned, the paramix layout is not very good. You are going to end up with a rats nest of wires. I'd love to see someone clean it up. Maybe PedalPCB could be talked into something like that?
Second on this. Fighting my way through this build as-we-speak and finding some questionable PCB choices here. Thus far can’t get it to even power up, despite some scant “forum support” such as it is.
Second on this. Fighting my way through this build as-we-speak and finding some questionable PCB choices here. Thus far can’t get it to even power up, despite some scant “forum support” such as it is.
Yes I gave up on mine. It was a mess to the point that I couldn’t troubleshoot it.
I built the buff-n-blend for the same reason
Is it possible with this circuit or slight modifications to have the attached pedal be at 100% and blend in the clean signal while retaining the pedal at 100% volume?
Or am I completely wrong with the buff-n-blend?
Right now I can chose in relation to how the pot is mounted if I want to go from all pedal to all clean or all clean to all pedal.
You could try jumpering pins 2/3(I think. Wiper and effect loop return side) on the blend pot.
Not 100% sure how this will work out but can't hurt anything.
10 seconds and some alligator clips to test(or crocodile clips for the backwards flushers).
May screw with the output impedance in certain settings, but I don't think so since the voltage divider network is mostly untouched, aside from half the pot.
If it works out, implement it on a switch so you have both options.
Good luck.
Got the paramix board years ago and never built it. Now I’m glad I never did! Robert please come to our rescue!!!
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