What do you all usually buy from Digikey?


Well-known member
Hi everyone. I’m looking to buy some parts for an electrovibe (bulb and ldrs) and I’m trying to think of things to buy so that I can get free shipping. I need to spend $60 AUD for free shipping.

What does everyone usually buy from Digikey? I find the search engine do difficult.

I have a few jfets, and op amps in my cart as well but many other things seem over priced compared to Tayda.

I don’t specifically need any parts but could use some resistors, caps (electro, film and ceramic) and some transistor.

Any suggestions are very welcome
I try to source any higher end opamps from them or mouser for authenticity sake. OPA134/2134 and the like.
I'd grab nichicon caps while you can. They're going with the dinosaurs.
Sigi also has the best price on mill max transistor sockets I've found.
PN ED11270-ND
Also, be sure to filter out the marketplace results. Those are independent sellers and will result in extra shipping charges per seller.
They do carry enclosures, including the Hammond 1590TR and other order Hammonds. They also have cheaper sparkfun boxes which are probably tayda boxes.
I agree with @jwin615 about higher end op-amps.

Most of what I used to buy from Digikey and Mouser I buy from LCSC now but I used to buy relays, microcontrollers and odd value or package electrolytic capacitors from Digikey. Sometimes their prices on charge pumps are reasonable, if not the cheapest around.
Haven't bought from them in awhile but I found them similar to mouser but somehow not as annoying. Used to buy a bunch of caps that tayda don't carry
I buy whatever I can’t get from tayda there. I usually have a cart at both going. I bought the 42 series chips for the super heterodyne receiver there. They were cheaper on TL072 last time I got parts also.
Hi everyone. I’m looking to buy some parts for an electrovibe (bulb and ldrs) and I’m trying to think of things to buy so that I can get free shipping. I need to spend $60 AUD for free shipping.

What does everyone usually buy from Digikey? I find the search engine do difficult.

I have a few jfets, and op amps in my cart as well but many other things seem over priced compared to Tayda.

I don’t specifically need any parts but could use some resistors, caps (electro, film and ceramic) and some transistor.

Any suggestions are very welcome
Their PCB fabrication service (DKred) is my favorite in some ways, really nice quality stuff if you don't need slotted holes. But that's a separate entity and won't help with the free shipping minimum on your main order.

They have a nice selection of modular connectors and pre-terminated wires, and often have SMT opamp stock when Mouser doesn't. In my book a lot of the components Tayda sells are pretty basic level quality, I feel you get what you pay for from them. "Good enough", yeah, for many things though. Tayda's selection of surface mount resistors is hopeless in terms of what I need, and they don't stock too many film caps that I'd typically use either. Most of my Mouser of Digikey orders cost ~ten bucks in shipping and show up at my house in two days; even with DHL shipping Tayda takes about ten days to my location, and now costs more, by comparison.

For both Mouser and Digikey I mostly Google specific part numbers with the vendor in the search string. Both stock many many things that are misclassified or just plain invisible in their own search engines, for whatever reasons. Oh, and never ever use their mobile sites if you can possibly avoid it!
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I use Digikey for microcontrollers for my relay bypass boards (ATTINY13A) and charge pumps (LT1054). At the volumes that I was purchasing, Digikey was the cheapest trustworthy seller.
Thanks, relays are a good idea. I’ll check it out.

I just made a relay bypass that I’m quite happwith.
I ignore DigiKey and Mouser unless I absolutely have to get something from them. Their UI is crap for non EE people like myself
Lol I’m usually the same. Generally i slowly add things to my cart until I get free shipping. But I’m trying to get this pedal to someone relatively quickly
If you’re hunting for a deal on TO-5 sockets, I got what looks like a couple hundred of em from an estate lot. They’re not mill max but they seem pretty nice.

Say the word and I’ll mail you a bag.
View attachment 62585
I'm good. I bought a bunch and now use them less and less. When I do, I'll barely tack them in, find my transistors then desolder them so they get reused. But I'm sure someone could use them! I'm still awaiting one of those estate sales. Best I've found was of a former machinist. Some good scores there.
Thanks, relays are a good idea. I’ll check it out.

I just made a relay bypass that I’m quite happwith.
I actually get my relays from JLCPCB. I use their assembly service, and the cost for an almost completely assembled board, including a latching DPDT relay, (I use assembly for everything except for the microcontroller and electrolytic capacitor) is about $1.50 per board. If you go that route, the total cost for the relay bypass system, including the momentary foot switch, is less than a single Alpha 3PDT foot switch.
I've had to use them for oddball stuff, or when the usual hobby-directed sellers don't have what I need (or just don't have it in stock): odd value 9mm pots, SMD JFETs. PICs, optocouplers. I've found Mouser and DigiKey to sort of leapfrog with what I need, which is frustrating, but I've ordered far more from Mighty Mouse than Diddy Kong Racing. It's always just been nicer with them. They also tend to discount shipping (or rather, upgrade my shipping).