I watched the JHS Pedal Show episode with these, that comp sounds really good.
Are you're in an EVH phase?
That explains why it was never a stand alone Boost until 3 !!!?Sure, you could do that.
The boost in the Fulldrive isn't really a boost at all, it just adds an additional pot in series with the Gain pot.
You have Duncan's Tone Stack Calculator, right? Very helpful when designing / tweaking all sorts of tone stacks. I put a Fender-ish one in my latest project. One advantage over the Marshall TMB is you can get more Bass boost. Some people just copy them verbatim, but I usually scale the impedances to suit the rest of the circuit and then fine tune R's & C's to get the mid scoop where I want it. Pay attention to the source and load impedances, they have a drastic effect on the control range.Nice work. Can I ask what you used for the tone stack? I'm trying to find a bmt stack to throw into something I'm working on.
I'm really digging the Fuzz on Bass. Bias control is very nice to have.
4 layers is the new goop...