I've been working on this guy for a month. It's essentially a dual overdrive circuit controlled via a single dual gang pot. One is soft clipping LEDs and allowing more highs through, the other is a soft clipping 914 side which takes care of the beefy stuff and there's a healthy overlap in the middle because that's where the fun is.
I was rolling exotic op amps for an hour yesterday and settled on the good ol tl072, they just sound good and the noise is minimal.
Honestly this thing is killer. I can think of a sound and find it in there somewhere.
The only pedal that I now know uses the dual gang thing is the bd2 but the Sundog is a little different in that each stage has different clipping and frequency response.
The topography goes led clipping, into a fixed gain stage of 10, then into the 914 clipping, through the active BMT tone stack and then out.
This is the reason I was trying to find a predrilled 1590bb but in the end just did it myself.
The artwork is inspired by the view from my kitchen window, the name is my furry pal who enjoys the sun on the deck.
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I think it needs different knobs though.