Where and why do people buy Chibsons?


Well-known member
Where do people buy Chibson guitars? I want an Ace Frehley type Les Paul with the burst and triple pickups. Im aware of harley benton and shit but I want it to say Gibson on it. I have gone down the kit road before and I love doing that but I dont have a good spray set up so finishing is a hassle.
AliExpress for sure. I'm a long time AE user, and I'd recommend making small and inexpensive purchases to begin with, because it's definitely not a western e-shopping experience. Caveat emptor is as true in modern China as it was in ancient Rome.
Not to be a Mr Poo-poo but it is probably illegal to import a counterfeit guitar. The chances are slim I guess but it could be seized by customs. Just so that you are aware! Not sure how rigorous they are where you live but these things do happen.
Screw you Mr Poo Poo! I say go for it!!

Just kidding @HamishR. Probably sound advice.

Seriously though, I’m pretty curious to see what you’d get for your $271.
Haha wow! I mean you aren’t the first or last to call me a fucking asshole. I think that’s probably a bit of an overreaction but whatever. I’m not going to get into a political debate about china’s issues. And I’m sure as hell not boycotting all products from china. This isn’t the place for politics.
I found the same guitar on eBay. I’m gonna snag one of there eventually so I can use PayPal. A little more buyer protection than aliexpress
Sorry to be the asshole folks but I don't think it's about Gibson or politics or China or any of that.

This guy says it all here:
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