What's on the workbench?

It is July and it's looking like nothing on my 2024 vision board is getting done and I started doing something else completely different all together
I recently found some of my goal-lists and project plans from 2017. I think some of them were already a few years at that point. Currently I’m still tackling the wildly overwhelming task of cleaning up my workbench and figuring out what parts I need to order to finish up all of my in-limbo builds. My initial deadline for getting that done was June.

Of last year. Jeeeesus
Broke apart 4 more wah shells to strip down. Just need to remove the rack gear and the tension straps and then they’ll get hit with the stripper. Eventually gonna need to find access to a sand blaster since the one on campus won’t be an option for me in September. Or I might send them off to be powder coated at some point.
Broke apart 4 more wah shells to strip down. Just need to remove the rack gear and the tension straps and then they’ll get hit with the stripper. Eventually gonna need to find access to a sand blaster since the one on campus won’t be an option for me in September. Or I might send them off to be powder coated at some point.
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Hit with a stripper, now there’s an turn of events.…
So... the gargantuan BMP-noodle boards and enclosures have missed Pi-day 2024...
Does that mean we have to wait till Pi-day 2025 for its release?

Broke apart 4 more wah shells to strip down. Just need to remove the rack gear and the tension straps and then they’ll get hit with the stripper. Eventually gonna need to find access to a sand blaster since the one on campus won’t be an option for me in September. Or I might send them off to be powder coated at some point.
View attachment 78553

This thread is about what's on Robert's Bench — I think you're looking for your thread "What's On Your Workbench?". 😹