Deciding on first amp build

I have an extra copy of The Guitar Amp Handbook by Dave Hunter. If anyone is interested I would like to pass it along to anyone interested. It sparked my interest in building amps way back when I was in college. I bought a newer edition just cuz i was curious if there was anything new in it.
It has the basics of tube amp circuitry with a strong focus on early fender stuff. It has details in the back of the book to build DIY amp. PM if you are interested. free of charge. I really enjoyed the shit out of this book and would love to pass my extra copy along so if anyone wants it just PM me.
PM sent
@jcpst,12 英寸的 5F2 是一款非常不错的入门级产品,也是一款非常有用的放大器。无论有没有踏板,它都能摇滚!

始终牢记“危险 - 高压”。踏板不会咬人,但电子管放大器可以很容易地夺走你的生命。仔细检查你的工作,尤其是电解液的方向。

仅供参考:我从 1978 年开始修理和制造放大器。我最新的设计和制造是 AMI 的“Dumb Luck”(是的,向 Howard Dumble 致敬),这是一个非常高净空的干净通道,一个 ODS ish 污垢通道,两者都带有混响,塞在 Vibrolux 2x10 Pyle 扬声器中(如图所示)。欢迎随时向我提问。
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Amps are a bit more work than pedals - for one thing lead dress (the way you place the wiring, the way you ground the amp) is critical to getting an amp which doesn't oscillate, hum or make strange noises. But it's not impossible. The first amp I ever built was a 5E3 and it sounded pretty good. Now when I make a 5E3 it sounds a lot better though because I learnt from that first one and every one since.

I would probably recommend a 5E3 as a first build. I built a couple of tweed Champs and never really bonded with them. The main thing with a 5E3 is learning how to bias it properly - it makes a huge difference. And it's a bit of a head scratcher at first but you have this place to help. Most of the time people build a cathode biased amp according to the 1959 schematic and if you do it will most likely sound like mush when you turn the volume past 3. Wall voltages are higher these days than in 1959 so the B+ will be higher. I would highly recommend using a slightly lower B+ PT from MM to help make your amps sound more authentic. But if you don't want to you can still get a great sounding 5E3 by using a higher value bias resistor. You want around 100% plate dissipation for a cathode biased amp. It's not that hard to get dialled in with a DMM and a few values in 5-10W resistors.

One of the best sounding amps I have built is the 5F11 Tweed Vibrolux, and it's not much harder than a 5E3. The amp I play most right now is a Brown Deluxe 6G3. Fabulous tremolo and a big fat sound. I like it way more than any BF Fender I've played. Takes my pedals well.
I had been waiting for to open up shop again so I could grab an SLO-30 kit but I didn't know Ceriatone had amp kits as well. They have a pretty killer selection of kits with various options too. I might buy a kit from them and then get a SLO-30 whenever rosamp is back in business haha. mojotone has some cool kits too.

"Necro'ing" this to let you know Rosamp seems to be back up. I just ordered a SLO 30 kit from them.
I'm currently looking at the Mojotone Studio One.

1 Watt, 2 channels. Supposed to be a 5E3 (clean) and a JCM800 (dirt). I have not dug into the schematic enough yet. But the demos seem like it would be perfect for me.
Sounds like fun! But remember part of the plexi sound is the speakers breaking up at high volume.

So many different speakers too. A million variables....

I was playing one of my 5e3's a few nights ago with a newly purchased FANE M65, hand made in England. It is amazing. For the first time in my 57 years of playing guitar I felt like I had finally captured the Gilmour sound as I was strumming the chords to shine on your crazy diamond.

If I strummed lightly it was clean as a whistle, and when I strummed really hard it was screaming with breakup.

Needless to say I was in tone heaven on Friday night, lol

This was one of the amps my "business partner" had possession of when he got sick and eventually passed away. Took me a decade+ to get them back and they were mouse pissed and rusted. Gaaa. This is the first I've restored and put back into service with Russian PIO caps. The M65 is in the "Soundtown" cab which is a really incredible deal for an EMPTY cab. Why they would say an empty cab is 65 watts is kinda weird.

5e3 on Fane cab.JPEG

also, in case some of you missed it... ceriatone does an SLO kit now (50W + 100W versions)

Ooooweee I’m glad you pointed that out. I definitely would have missed that one. Strongly considering the Ceriatone FAS 50. I just moved apartments… so I’m going to wait a few weeks until I have everything unpacked and organized then I am 99% sure I will go with the Ceriatone
I still wanna build an amp at some point, but I’m thinking the next thing I do is take my Vox AC15TB to be serviced/resurrected. Clean it up, new caps, etc. Don’t wanna try it myself because I’ve never worked on an amp, and I don’t wanna eff up something that’s almost vintage.

So many options for kits in this thread! Still will probably go with a 5e3 or 5f11 as a first build.
I am not pursuing any specific tone and I don't play out, so low wattage fun is the name of the game.
I love to build amps. I have so many in the pipeline right now it's kinda funny. Do I need them? Hell no. I am going to be building a Marshall Superlead 100w 2203. Eddie Van Halen's amp, if you use the 50k pot for the mid instead of the 25k, and run at 100v (I think, he did use a variac)

Have all the components, a LARGE tote full of resistors, the iron and chassis, the speakers, and the speaker cab. I make the circuit boards myself, from scratch including sawing the G10 epoxy board with wet tile saw ('cuz otherwise the toxic smell is horrendous). And I have well over a thousand original phillips Mustard caps which were the original caps used in Marshall, Vox, Hiwatt, etc.

20 years ago, the economy in Greece burped and people were scrambling to put food on the table. I helped them put food on the table, and ended up with freaking boat load of caps, thanks to eBay auctions.

I have built many 50w, but have never done a 100w. And I'm 68, so times a wasting!



My layout so I can make the hole drilling template for the circuit board
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I love to build amps. I have so many in the pipeline right now it's kinda funny. Do I need them? Hell no. I am going to be building a Marshall Superlead 100w 2203. Eddie Van Halen's amp, if you use the 50k pot for the mid instead of the 25k, and run at 100v (I think, he did use a variac)

Have all the components, a LARGE tote full of resistors, the iron and chassis, the speakers, and the speaker cab. I make the circuit boards myself, from scratch including sawing the G10 epoxy board with wet tile saw ('cuz otherwise the toxic smell is horrendous). And I have well over a thousand original phillips Mustard caps which were the original caps used in Marshall, Vox, Hiwatt, etc.

20 years ago, the economy in Greece burped and people where scrambling to put food on the table. I helped them put food on the table, and ended up with freaking boat load of caps, thanks to eBay auctions.

I have built many 50w, but have never done a 100w. And I'm 68, so times a wasting!

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My layout so I can make the hole drilling template for the circuit board
Not gonna lie, I watched Pete Thorn's video on the Mick Mars'/Richard Fortus' Jose modded Super Lead. I was inspired. I need to watch it again, but I think that one is just the extra gain stage in front and a pre-phase inverter master volume.

I also still have my amp in a 50cal ammo can idea that I think needs to be something pre-CBS, probably AB763.
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Not gonna lie, I watched Pete Thorn's video on the Mick Mars'/Richard Fortus' Jose modded Super Lead. I was inspired. I need to watch it again, but I think that one is just the extra gain stage in front and a pre-phase inverter master volume.

I also still have my amp in a 50cal ammo can idea that I think needs to be something pre-CBS, probably AB763.
Saw a guy make an amp with a PC case, lol. Worked and had glass panels so you could see the tubes glowing....!
Anyone know how a JMI spec Vox AC4 would be as a first tube amp build? don’t think there are any kits out there for it, but idk if that should be much of a deterrent.