JHS Kilt v2 clone

As usual, I did my research after I posted the question, It's basically a RAT with some "improvements". and that's kinda been done.

The demos I watched didn't sound like anything I couldn't get with plenty of other pedals I've already built.
My impression as well
When my friends hear that I make pedals their first reaction is “what a cool side hustle!”

I mean yeah. If I wanted to pay myself $5/hr.
I make a lot more than $5 an hour in this side hustle. I work a regular full time job but pedals bought my new Bronco, IPhone 14, and all the cute boots I can store. The places you lose the money are “ customer support, repairs, marketing (it ain’t cheap), new product R&D, NAMM trips, employee salary and benefits, cringey Youtube video production…”
I don’t do those things and I thrive. I don’t even paint or decorate my enclosures. With amazing pcb providers like pedalpcb you can’t go wrong. If you do good work, nothing else matters. Over 5000 pedals sold and not one repair return (knocks vigorous wood)😂
Hey @Robert ! I usually post stuff when I'm wanting something or need it so here it goes! 😁 I have not found any definitive resources regarding a trace of the Kilt V1 or V2. Pedal & PCB builders are limited on time and this just seems to not get the attention. I understand they are basically Expandoras but... they aren't. The reason I don't want to buy them new/used is simply because, I prefer through hole components. 🤷‍♂️The Pandora's Box is extremely close to the Kilt V2. I've compared them side by side. Near identical in first 2 gain stages but with fuzz mode there is more of a difference. However, I would suppose the V1, which is more sought after, has a few more key differences from both the V2 and Expandoras. Personally, what I'm looking for is a Kilt V1 Circuit without the boost, so, overdrive only. I think it the pcb would be a hit, especially with the worship community. Looking forward to hear if you ever got your hands on a V2. If you hadn't, I have a a detailed video of the innards of a V2 i could send over (top of the SMD board when removing the cover; not sure if there were any components underneath). Thanks!
I’m have built a kilt V2 and got a pcb from a guy off reverb… It was based off Expandora and JHS bomb boost with an order switch… Was a really good sounding pedal… definitely dirtier and fuzzier than “inventions” or another rat clone… I’ve built several and this one did have a lot of different tones in it…. The mode that does all the IC Clipping was a bit much for me… the forbidden mode or whatever..
I have a copy of the schematics from that build..


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I dropped it on the Wish List a while back, but there didn’t seem to be much interest. To quote one forum member: “I thought the kilt was stupid when JHS released it and it hasn't aged well since” 🤣
This sounds like me so I guess a fulsome defense of that statement is due if I'm being referenced for my indifference/disdain ... putting a boost in front of the expandora defeats the entire purpose of the expandora, the optofet envelope that creates "bloom" ... otherwise you've got a rat with switchable gain limits from overdrive to fuzz which isn't nearly as interesting and has been done elsewhere
This sounds like me so I guess a fulsome defense of that statement is due if I'm being referenced for my indifference/disdain ... putting a boost in front of the expandora defeats the entire purpose of the expandora, the optofet envelope that creates "bloom" ... otherwise you've got a rat with switchable gain limits from overdrive to fuzz which isn't nearly as interesting and has been done elsewhere
I haven't heard it so I don't have any basis of opinion but that's sounds like a valid justification for your opinion of the pedal.
I was curious about the Kilt, so I built a Pandora's box with a bass pot and I love it. The fun part I guess is the "forbidden" setting. It's a wonderful gated fuzz thing which is a heap of fun to use. I believe the Kilt has a bass switch. This is better. :cool:

The bass pot is done much like Chuck's Rat Bass pot addition. It's crazy simple and is detailed somewhere on this forum. Oh, here it is:

Expandora bass pot.png

The Expandora is obviously based on the Rat. And the Kilt is obviously based on the Expandora. I like the Expandora but it is a bit light on for grunt. This bass pot mod fixes that.
Standard Bummer. One step forward and three steps back with the sidejacks on Junior.

@Robert — some potential KiltV2 Nomenklatura, call it maybe:

Hottentot Tartan
The Whole 9 Yards
Killed Bagpipe
Nothing Worn Under
Caber Toss
BREACAN — or longer version,"If it's not Breacan yee dinna can flex it" 😜
Tam O' Shanter, or just Tam

All-caps above are my favourite contenders
Standard Bummer. One step forward and three steps back with the sidejacks on Junior.

@Robert — some potential KiltV2 Nomenklatura, call it maybe:

Hottentot Tartan
The Whole 9 Yards
Killed Bagpipe
Nothing Worn Under
Caber Toss
BREACAN — or longer version,"If it's not Breacan yee dinna can flex it" 😜
Tam O' Shanter, or just Tam

All-caps above are my favourite contenders
Sporran, and then in the artwork the switches could be the wee tassels on a dress sporran!

In Germany they refer to it as a Schottenrock which might work for rock players

If the circuit turns out to be really derivative…
Bare Cheek

And wasn’t it Stu G from delirious? Signature pedal to begin with? Call it “G?” (Or even “delirious?”)
I’m have built a kilt V2 and got a pcb from a guy off reverb… It was based off Expandora and JHS bomb boost with an order switch… Was a really good sounding pedal… definitely dirtier and fuzzier than “inventions” or another rat clone… I’ve built several and this one did have a lot of different tones in it…. The mode that does all the IC Clipping was a bit much for me… the forbidden mode or whatever..
I have a copy of the schematics from that build..
Any chance I could get a copy of that Kilt schematic you mentioned in a thread earlier last year? I just built a kit and it’s not sounding right. Would be interesting to AB it against Josh’s circuit.
I just got back from my friend's place where we were putting his new-to-him Kilt V2 through trials.

Sounded good; looking forward to building some Expandora variants.
I had an actual V2 for a while and let it go when i started doing a bunch of my own building.. I really do like the low gain sound with them...