Black Eye Vertical Tube Orientation?


Well-known member
I've seen several single and double tube pedals that have the tubes vertically oriented with a bar guard around them, and I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to make that work for the Black Eye. Has anyone else tried it at this point?
I specifically avoided that as I like to keep the tubes safely tucked inside the box. But if you're open to having them stick out the top then you'll have a lot more room for routing a board and can do a much cleaner layout than I did.
So where would you find the guards like on the pedal below (or are they custom fabbed?)?
View attachment 31843

I’ve always assumed that repurposed chrome drawer pulls would work exceptionally well for those kinds of tube protectors
Yeah the majority of the DIY builds I see with guards like that are drawer handles. Not sure about the Effectrode ones though. I've owned a couple of their pedals (for tracing purposes) and they didn't seem like drawer handles, seemed custom fabbed. Don't know for sure though.