EEPROM program controls...


Active member
Just wondering if there's a list of the parameters for the various EEPROM programs. P1 is usually "delay time" or similar for the delays, but what about the others?
the controls are set within each program, so they can change every time you change to another program. You can get a list of the programs from the drop down menu to order the custom eeprom, but I don't think there is a list of the pot assignments for those programs.
Most of the pot assignments can be found looking at the pages for individual projects (like octagon, digital delay, three-verb, etc).
Most of the pot assignments can be found looking at the pages for individual projects (like octagon, digital delay, three-verb, etc).
Yeah, I was hoping that they'd all be in one place given I've made a few Arachnids/Octagons with custom eeproms.
Welllllll I guess it’s time to finally dive into FV-1 sale, I already ordered this time around :p
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