Favorite low gain drive pedal on pedal Pcb?

I like the fact that I could be a mutated half-zombie after a nuclear apocalypse, finding a PPCB board in some rubble and going "Sweet! Finally a pedal I don't need build docs for!".

Exactly. And this comes from the days of me finding an unidentified/unmarked etched PCB behind my workbench and having absolutely no idea what I'm looking at. "I know this was something I wanted to build, but I haven't a clue what it is or how to find out."

I'd also like to add, I have no desire to monopolize the DIY scene. Each vendor has their strong points.

Madbean (who I consider the OG and have tons of respect for) if you want to take an original slightly off the beaten path
Aion if you're looking for textbook style documentation and a bit of the history about a classic design
Parasit when you just want to weird the f**k out
PCBGuitarMania when you want to hone your profanity and troubleshooting skills

... Okay maybe that last one was a low blow, but you get the point. :ROFLMAO:
The nice thing about this community too is that people are generally happy and willing to help you with any mods/tweaks you might want to the "stock" PPCB board, too. Just might have to ask...

Like if you buy a basic TS808 board but came on here and said, "Hey, I'm wanting this 808 to sound more like (insert name of any TS808 derivative)" I have no doubt that you would get plenty of input on exactly which components/values to swap to get you to (unnamed TS808 derivative)'s sound.

So in that way you can kind of have the best of both worlds. Straightfoward build without needing much additional documentation if that's what you want, plenty of room for mods/tweaks if that's what you want too - it's just not right there in the doc, you'll have to chat about it a bit :P
Exactly. And this comes from the days of me finding an unidentified/unmarked etched PCB behind my workbench and having absolutely no idea what I'm looking at. "I know this was something I wanted to build, but I haven't a clue what it is or how to find out."

I'd also like to add, I have no desire to monopolize the DIY scene. Each vendor has their strong points.

Madbean (who I consider the OG and have tons of respect for) if you want to take an original slightly off the beaten path
Aion if you're looking for textbook style documentation and a bit of the history about a classic design
Parasit when you just want to weird the f**k out
PCBGuitarMania when you want to hone your profanity and troubleshooting skills

... Okay maybe that last one was a low blow, but you get the point. :ROFLMAO:
If I may add descriptors for a few others…

Lectric FX if you’re after Vintage EHX stuff and other more advanced classic circuits with tweaks to make them doable with non-obsolete components
Dead End FX if you want to spend an arm and a leg on some really obscure obsolete components, or if you just want to build every single spaceman pedal ever created
Guitar PCB if you not only want to buff, but also to blend ;)
God City if you want to build something that gives you cred in your local noise rock or hardcore scene
FuzzDog if you want the convenience of a kit
God City if you want to build something that gives you cred in your local noise rock or hardcore scene
I know that this is joking, but Kurt and Jake have been committed to DIY ethos for over three decades with converge, deathwish, god city, etc. I think that their efforts are quite remarkable—with tremendous impacts on the viability of DIY (aggressive) music. The GCI PCBs are just a small part of that.
Coincidentally the first half-stack amp I owned (old Crate solid state 100W purchased from a pawn shop about 20 years ago) had a Converge sticker on the speaker cab.

I had no idea who or what "Converge" was, but it reminded me of convergence adjustments that I did regularly on rear projection televisions at my day job, so I liked it and left it on there.

I've just learned in the past couple years who Converge actually is.

Me and my brother used to jam with that 100W amp dimed in a little 10' x 10' bedroom, which I'm sure also contributes to some of the hearing loss in my right ear.
If we’re talking about so called “terrible music”, I must recommend diving down the rabbit hole of YouTube meme mixes of Weezer songs. I could listen to “say it ain’t so, but every lyric is Wrestle With Jimmy” and “say it ain’t so but it’s only Matt sharp singing” for hours.

Also, ring mods.
80% of the time I'm a low-gainer into a clean Fender combo. My picks are the Narcissus, Son of Ben, Mach 1. Also (maybe surprisingly) the Blue Shoe Gai if you dial it in just right. They all do the clean-ish, glassy jangle that I crave, but will growl if you dig into the strings a bit. [chefs_kiss.gif]
Fuzzdog is also a great go to if you’re concerned about enclosure size. Most of his builds are 1590b and he also has a really cool 1590a line
Yeah, the fuzz pups are pretty cool. I did a handful of FuzzDog kits early on, and I still buy PCBs from them. Lee is a cool dude. Been eager to try out the new Tonebender/Jen fuzz collab he put out recently, but itll be a few months at least until the next time I place an order there since I’m already full of projects to build.
Yeah, the fuzz pups are pretty cool. I did a handful of FuzzDog kits early on, and I still buy PCBs from them. Lee is a cool dude. Been eager to try out the new Tonebender/Jen fuzz collab he put out recently, but itll be a few months at least until the next time I place an order there since I’m already full of projects to build.
I'm about have a go at a couple double-ups of his fuzzpups in 1590bb's. I'll be sure to post them as build reports when I'm done!
PedalPCB when you want to witness undiagnosed ADHD and OCD in full effect.
Whaddaya mean "undiagnosed"?

Collectively we've diagnosed it, I mean not all of us are psych majors but collectively I bet our diagnosis adds up to the equivalent of a doctorate...

So, @innerlight, have you come to a decision on what you're building — or did I already miss the Build Report?

@innerlight — What did you go for in the end:
Chop Shop, Red Herring, or something else entirely?

@Bricksnbeatles — addendum to an aspect of your post #24
Dead End FX if you want to spend an arm and a leg on some really obscure obsolete components, or if you just want to build every single spaceman pedal ever created, or if you want to build unnecessarily large PCBs into pedals necessitating enclosures two sizes too big for what the circuit is