Flickering LED

Hi, I bought some small 3mm leds that flicker, to emulate a flickering flame. Very cool. Tried it in a pedal and it seemed to affect the sound. There was a weird pulsating sound that seemed to “flicker” in sync with the led. Anyone else ever try a flickering LED OR experience any issues?
Same thing happened to me. It looked cool, but the ticking was too much and I wound up ditching it (along with the whole circuit, eventually :rolleyes: )

I just tried installing a color changing led in my new conqueror fuzz build , it was looking nice, but quickly started making loud crackling noise during half of the color pattern, unusable so I changed it. I also ordered the flickering leds hoping to install one under the tube of my next tube driver build i just started... but I think I'll stick with the regular led for now... so if anybody can help with a way to isolate the led from the rest of the circuit it would be great to be able to add those effects leds to guitar pedals !
I think y'all are chasing the white rabbit here. The simple answer, but not practical, is to have 2 separate power supplies for a single pedal. I am curious if there is a workaround. @Chuck D. Bones would you be able to weigh in on this?

Edit: If I were to install one, it would really bug me considering all my other pedals have a normal LED.
Yeah, if someone really wanted to make it work, they could probably stick a(nother) battery in there, isolated from the rest of the power supply, and it would run for a long time, but IMO the effect is neither cool enough to warrant screwing around with batteries nor mild enough to not be a potential distraction on a working board.

I totally get the allure, and went as far as to implement it, but I don't miss it.
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