Low Tide Modulator Mockup Pedal - Arriving Soon!

Even with log taper the random variations get smoothed out pretty quickly, the last 1/2 of rotation is much more subtle than the first 1/2.

I don't notice a world of difference between the two tapers in this application, where if it were a Rate or Gain control it would be immediately obvious.
I was thinking the dual pot was the rate but I was mistaken. the skew pot does seem more subtle for the last half of the rotation so the log taper but there are still noticeable differences depending on how the other dials are set. there is a lot of interaction between the controls on this pedal. sometimes it almost seems like whatever it is doing is too subtle to notice until you bypass it and then hear the difference. it mostly vanishes into the depths if you put a deflector pedal after it, but switching the order for those two pedals is interesting.

it's go-time!
Lucky duck! My a1m dual is lost in the DHL void, almost a month now. Ordered another from small bear when the briefly had them in stock again but won't be here till Wednesday-ish
That's when I got this one. There were 11 in stock and heard later that day they were gone. It got here early because I had another order already processing so they threw it in the box and refunded my shipping!
I ended up getting a Mouser with solder pins and bent the inner ones over at a weird angle and then used resistor cut-offs to populate the outer ones. Kinda kludgey but worked.
Does anyone have the schematic? I might have possibly messed up a pad and before I go any further trying to desolder, a schematic might be helpful to trace where I'd need to jump to.
Which Cap so I can see where the trace goes ie left or right or top or bottom ?
Don't have it in front of me but looking at the build doc I'm pretty sure it was c16 and kind of also c33. Got my 1n, and 100n bags mixed up haha
My trusty $18 desoldering iron usually does the trick, but not this time apparently
Arrived: 2SK208-Y (SMD), LM258P, MCP602.

Still working on sourcing A1M dual-gang. Thought I had a line on one, but nope — not a problem because the PCB isn't here yet.
