SOLVED Mahayana no sound (Solved)


Well-known member
Me again but this time it's not my transistors...


At OFF got the clean sound
ON, LED is lit but pedal is totally silent.

I tried 2 different TL072 (instead of the AD712). Didn't change a thing.

It's quite frustrating that I succeeded with a Duo Phase with 7X the components and not this one...

Any idea what went wrong?

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Presumably you switched around the wires on the other jack and the white one is now ground?

Have a poke around and wiggle the ic a little bit and the other components. I went mad trying to find a fault for 2 days then realised one of my caps wasn't soldered in properly. When I wiggled it the connection was there, and as soon as I removed my finger it died. Resoldering the cap helped, even though it looked fine.
All my pedals have the same layout for the jacks-to-switch.

As for putting my fingers on different soldering spots and playing with the parts expecting any sounds, I got a faint one once but will investigate a bit more.
What was wrong with the jack?
Frankly I'm not 100% sure what happened.

What I know is that at first the DC power jack wasn't soldered (on purpose) and by playing with the unboxed pedal the input long black wire on the picture unsoldered itself. After soldering those, the pedal was working.

I'm a "builder-by-numbers". I don't really know what I'm doing... even if I'm at 13 boxed and 3 not yet boxed but fully working PedalPCBs builds.