Missing Build Docs / Schematics

I agree. That html BOM is the BOMb! So much helpful info. How the hell did you code this thing? Great work either way. Makes me want to build more pedals. Although, I would still have the paper PDF on hand as I refuse to let go of my pencil.
Some versions of the original omit the 27K resistor and the pair of GE diodes on the right-hand side of the board.
You did the right thing. I'll look into updating the docs ASAP.
Another quick question about the Covert, @PedalPCB: I built one a couple months ago and the board didn't match the docs; I have two other Covert boards here, and as I was about to start building a new one, I realized these two spare boards do match the docs. So the question is: which version of the board is correct, the one that matches the docs or the one that doesn't?

I just compared my build against a real DLS MKIII and mine has significantly less gain (both in Super Lead mode, both running 18V), which is what led me into looking into it again.
Another quick question about the Covert, @PedalPCB: I built one a couple months ago and the board didn't match the docs; I have two other Covert boards here, and as I was about to start building a new one, I realized these two spare boards do match the docs. So the question is: which version of the board is correct, the one that matches the docs or the one that doesn't?

I just compared my build against a real DLS MKIII and mine has significantly less gain (both in Super Lead mode, both running 18V), which is what led me into looking into it again.

Any thoughts on this one, @PedalPCB? Thanks!
Any chance of getting a schematic for the King's Hand build? I don't know if there is any agreement in place about not posting schematics (the Lone King also doesn't have one, so I'm guessing yes....)
Complex Overdrive, Pipe Stretcher, Carbon Black and 6 band EQ potentiometer build docs are up.

Currently coming soon:
- Super Ocelot*
- Sandspur Fuzz
- Station Wah*
- Bellum Fuzz*
- Nucleus Overdrive
- Underminer Sub-Octave
- Dark Esbat Boost
- Blues Lawyer Overdrive
- Thunder Pipe Fuzz
- Valve Stem Overdrive
- Incredible Machine Distortion

* Not currently available
Any estimate on when the Bellum build docs will be back up? I bought both versions and then noticed the build docs had been taken down.
Box and All EQ build doc?? I got it boxed up, super simple build, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why I'm not getting sound. Just looking to trace the signal path since the op amp voltages are correct and I can't find any ground shorts.
I know some are not out yet and some are being updated but this was from March 8, 2021 at 9:35PM EST.

I still can't wait for The Creamery Compressor.

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