

Well-known member
Here's my Octarock. I wrote a bit about it in a troubleshooting thread. After watching some demos, I concluded that perhaps there was nothing wrong with my build other than expectations. I'd still like to get other's opinions on this if you have built it.

Initially, I used a whopper of a 470uF without realizing it doesn't fit into a 1590BB. So, I replaced it with the largest cap that did fit, which is a 220uF, thinking that since it was only a power filter, it wouldn't impact tone. Does it? I think so. After the swap, the low octave isn't tracking as well--now it kind of peters out mid note. From the schematic, which is buried somewhere here in the forum, I see that the Vref (which is what is filtered) is connected right to the signal outputs, so I wonder if that causes this effect? I'll need to buy another 470uF and see if it gets better, but that'll have to wait until my next parts order.

PXL_20240622_181105471.jpg PXL_20240622_181112685.jpg

Here's the initial cap which was too large:

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 4.37.14 PM.png
Great looking build, the enclosure and knob colours are choice.

When you get the next 470µF, just lay it down as there looks to be plenty of space to do that.
Another option would be to use a tantalum cap.

I've done both here, laid down all the caps and used tants on the switch.


Nichicon or Panasonic SMD can be used, you just unfold the little legs — one of @Cybercow's tricks IIRC.

Panasonic has some pretty lo-pro caps, check out this PANASONIC DATASHEET PDF, 13mm height for a 470µF — how much space do you have?
Hi guys, I just finished my octarock build. I wasn't sure what voltage to use for the 470uF. I have 16V, 35V, 50V for the 470uF to choose from.
I ended up putting in a 16V.. should I swap it out for a 35V since the pedal is rated for 9-18V?

Also, on the pcb, its got '16v' written on top of C25/ 470uF. Does that indicate the voltage for that particular component?

Cheers! :)

Screen Shot 2024-09-05 at 3.34.16 am.png
16V is fine, that capacitor will never see more than around 10V when powered at 18V.
Thanks for the info @Robert ! You're always so quick to reply, what a legend..🤝

Btw, how do you work out how many volts the capacitor will see when powered at certain voltage? If it's not too hard to explain.
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