Seasoned Novice
I agree. The biggest changer for me was getting storage drawers/boxes. Now I just pick the parts in one big sweep, resistors, boom, soldered. Ceramic caps, boom, soldered! Etc.
You need to maintain an inventory and have storage for it, but it makes the build flow soooo much faster.
I usually kit them all at once using a spreadsheet for multiple projects using little bins for each. I have storage drawer units mounted to my wall for my inventory so I can pick the parts supermarket style. Takes some organizing and time in front of a screen, but it makes everything so much easier when it's all done. I also check every cap, diode, pot, and transistor with my TC1 as I go. I have some background in material kitting, so it's kinda 2nd nature. Wish I had a background in electronics and/or graphic design, lol, but we play to our strengths.