Omit rate LED in moonshot tremolo?


Active member
I'm not really a fan of drilling enclosures and have been looking for a tremolo to build that I can use a Tayda pre-drilled with. The Moonshot tremolo fits the bill as long as I omit the rate LED. I'm assuming it's fine, but just double checking that doing this wouldn't disrupt the circuit somehow.

Looking at it, I don't think it will affect anything, and in the case it does you can install it internally. Also, if you prefer rate over bypass LED, on my pendulum build I used the positive side from the rate LED pad and the negative switch pad on the PCB to make the rate LED the bypass LED so I still get the blinks, but also still get the indicator if it is on, so i could use a predrilled as well.
I'm a big fan of rate LEDs, and I Like drilling enclosures.

I agree with @swyse though, you could always install the LED and just not drill the hole.