Pre Soldered J201 Installation Questions


Well-known member
I have these:
And these:

I realize there could be various opinions on this but, should the shorter ends of the pins go into the PCB and the pre-soldered transistors go on the longer ends?
Connect the transistors to the pins first then that assemble into the PCB?

First time using these items. For the M800 btw.
I'd go with shorter ones into the PCB. longer ones into the SMD board. Then clip the long bits sticking out of the SMD PCB so you have short pins at both ends. If that makes sense.
Thanks, that's what I ended up doing. Here's an in progress sneak peak!

Thanks for the pic. I love seeing other people's builds for ideas.
Even seeing how you label your pots with a sharpie gets the wheels turning. :unsure:

Your way is much better than the way I last did it. Because the SMD board on mine sticks out over other components. I had to bend some caps out of the way.

I don't recommend this way:

Continually learning …
Thanks! Yes, always learning. I do that to the pots just as a part of double and triple checking everything before soldering. I also had to take into consideration a few of the cap's angle to make sure it all fit together. And I scoured this forum (as I always do) for previous build reports and posts for information, pics, etc. for any build I start. So, thanks everyone!
The pre-soldered J201's from @Robert are nice because they're a bit smaller than the adapters from Aion. I've also had issues with the Aion ones when they touch something else. (Like tightly packed against another adapter board).