"Special Edition" - WARNING graphic turret content

Man. I wanna build pedals like you when I grow up.
As flattering as that is, I have to confess that nothing I did here was really hard, machines do most of the work. Anytime I find something I'm not good at I find a machine to do it for me, so I have a ton of fancy machines, and that makes everything easy.

Yes, people on Talkbass rave about these pedals.
Oddly enough I've been on here longer than I have on Talkbass, but people there think I'm pretty neat so I spend a lot of time there :P I still consider myself a DIY builder (though I've been told I don't really count anymore), DIY people will always be my people.
Mmkay, here's the schematics. This is the simplest preamp pedal I make, there really isn't much to it. A quick note, the tube pin numbers will look weird to anyone familiar with tubes as I use a daughter board for the tube, so the pin numbers correspond to the daughter board pinout, not the tube itself.

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And this is the schematic of the power supply. The resistor marked 560R* is the one I adjust to change the B+ voltage, 560R gives you right around 235V, for the full 360V you need to drop it to about 360R. The part names here are the SMD versions I get pick-and-placed, it's more common to use IRF740 for the power MOSFET and UF4007 for the rectifier.

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The tube mounts to a daughter board I designed that also holds the LED. I used to mount it under the tube socket, but it's way harder to service if an LED goes bad so I eventually moved the LED behind the tube. I feed the tube heater in series right off the 9V input; the tube expects 12V in series, but 9V is plenty to get it warmed up enough to pass current. Also saves you a few mA of current on the heater draw. For polarity protection I like to use a schottkey bridge rectifier on the input, so no matter what polarity the input is it will work. I use the schottkeys over standard rectifiers so the voltage drop is negligible.

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I think that's pretty much it, happy to answer any other questions :)
Thank you for sharing! I’ve been wanting to learn about tube circuits for a while, any good reference (book, website)?
Oddly enough I've been on here longer than I have on Talkbass, but people there think I'm pretty neat so I spend a lot of time there :p I still consider myself a DIY builder (though I've been told I don't really count anymore), DIY people will always be my people.
Thank you for sharing! I’ve been wanting to learn about tube circuits for a while, any good reference (book, website)?
I'm a big fan of http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/ he has excellent info on his website as well as his book "Designing Tube Preamps for Guitar and Bass". Not a thrilling read, but an excellent reference book. Lately I also started getting into https://www.ampbooks.com/mobile/vacuum-tubes/ He has some incredibly useful calculators on the website for designing tube circuits, and I picked up his books but admittedly haven't used them much.