Alright, the new Black Eye PCBs are out for delivery today, I'll build one more (partially to verify a change I made and partially because I love this circuit and wouldn't mind having another around) then finish up the build doc and I plan to have it ready to go live this evening along with the Particle Accelerator. I will keep everyone posted.
The new buffer PCBs have been shipped, but due to how big my PCB order got I had to split it up to avoid customs duties, and the order the buffers are on is in Hong Kong ready to go on the next flight over here, current ETA of those is Thursday Feb 9. I ordered 120 of the buffers which should be more than enough to cover all the original version Black Eye boards out there, so as soon as the buffers come I'll pull one to verify it then start getting the rest out to those that need them.
It's been a long battle, but I think it's finally winding down