What was your first PedalPCB build?

Chuck D. Bones

Circuit Wizard
How did it go?

Mine was the Ungula. Worked right out of the chute. Not all of my builds work first time, but that one did. That was the only time I used a metal power jack. It looked more robust than the plastic ones. I knew I was going to have to insulate it. Even though I had the right shoulder washers, it was a pain.
First PedalPCB build was also my first using a PCB rather than veroboard. It was the Dirty Sanchez pedal, which I gave to my cousin. I was immediately hooked.

The build went off without a hitch. I thought I was going to have a hard time with the switch, though: this was the older version with the switch on the side of the enclosure, right above a trimpot and a socketed IC. I thought I was going to have to remove the socket, but there *might* be a millimetre of clearance there.
Twin Face, last May. I never had any interest in the FF, but for some reason that was the pedal that called out. The Ge section is AC124, and is the better side. The Silicone side is BC109, and is…a bit noisy. In the summer I have to keep the pedal in the fridge. Still don’t really like the FF, but it’s fun every now and again…
I think the Chrome Dome Distortion was my entry here. No issues with the build, and I was intrigued at the build combining a transformer with a a 4049 distortion circuit. And after that I started browsing the large assortment of boards and reading reviews of the pedals that inspired them.
Mine were the Plecostomus Fuzz and Chop Shop that I did in parallel, with a cheap iron (never again!). Both worked fine (after putting the socketed component in!), but I totally re-did the Chop Shop earlier this year as I destroyed the board trying to repair it for the friend I built it for (as he had trusted me without having any experience). Reading tips and build guide here first really helped.
The Plecostomus I love and it has been a permanent part of my board since, I even rehoused it in a nice UV printed enclosure after the decal lifted.
Twin Face, last May. I never had any interest in the FF, but for some reason that was the pedal that called out. The Ge section is AC124, and is the better side. The Silicone side is BC109, and is…a bit noisy. In the summer I have to keep the pedal in the fridge. Still don’t really like the FF, but it’s fun every now and again…
It was a Twin Face for me too. I combined it with the aft preamp in a 125B. Looking at that build it was so shoddy. My building ability has improved so much from being on this forum. That circuit tempted me in and now I’m hooked and 99% of my PCBs are now from here.
Squidward/EQD Tentacle/Green Ringer, made in September 2019.


Before that I built 2 Aliexpress "kits" because I didn't want to manage an inventory...

Since then I made about 30 PedalPCB pedals. Still nothing non-PedalPCB except 3 Fuzz Dog's signal splitters.
First pedal was the AT+

I still play it quite a bit and I really dig it. I messed up the clipping leds orientation and destroyed the pad removing them (I’ve since improved my desoldering skills) but I was able to figure out how to bodge something together to make it work. I also didn’t messed up the drilling for the dual footswitches so they’re a little close but it’s fine. Eventually I rehoused it in a powder coated enclosure.


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