What's on the workbench?

It doesn't appear to be based on anything I'm familiar with, that of course doesn't mean it's not.

It looks like a very simple circuit, I'm expecting something similar to the limiter circuit in the Fulltone 2B / FDIC.
You mean the Ge diode circuit? I never thought of that as a "limiter" the effect is so subtle on the FDIC. Still it's a cool boost pedal.
You mean the Ge diode circuit? I never thought of that as a "limiter" the effect is so subtle on the FDIC. Still it's a cool boost pedal.

Yep, Fulltone calls it the "2B Boost with Limiter" . I'm assuming the 10K resistor (R5) + Dynamics pot prevent any significant clipping and softly reduces gain with stronger signals.

There's not a heck of a lot going on in this one.