Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

It would be ... it'd be a combination of the

Freakish Blues Alpha Drive,
Sustain Punch Creamy Dreamer,
Vertex Axis Wah,
JHS Astro Bun Runner Mess,
Fulltone vOoCopiedDoh! design Laboratory Spar Kill Derived,
Toxic Pedals Muddy Drive...

But, Euna, NOT a Buffer...
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Folks, honestly, I feel this thread has gotten kind of nasty in places - how about we bring this back to the friendlier tone that PedalPCB normally has and which @Robert has nurtured. My 2 cents.
I was on vacation most of last week and I'm sad that I missed out on this thread. It sounds like the samples offer is off the table, but out of pure morbid curiosity I scored a deal on a pair of WE400 from eBay, I'll drop them in a Klon or something with a switch between them and some other choices.

I would also like to add that I'm one of the people that do this not just as a hobby but also as a business, and adding $15 to the materials cost of a pedal is a HUGE deal. Even on a $300 pedal, that would have to be backed up by a serious cost/benefit analysis, and it would have to be significantly better than alternative parts to justify choosing it.

EDIT: I should also mention, I don't even use clipping diodes in my commercial lineup, so I literally just picked them up for curiosity lol

2ND EDIT: Changed my mind, I'm going to do a Prince of Tone instead of a Klon so I can hear them as soft clippers or hard clippers, someone mentioned that in this thread and I like that idea.
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2ND EDIT: Changed my mind, I'm going to do a Prince of Tone instead of a Klon so I can hear them as soft clippers or hard clippers, someone mentioned that in this thread and I like that idea.
I'll be trying it with a Klone since I already have that board. I've messed with diode clippers a bit over the years, but have always preferred tubes or opamps for distortion, personally.