Tayda Nuts

Chuck D. Bones

Circuit Wizard
I bought several dozen 16mm pots from Tayda in my last order. Some of the pots came with nuts & washer installed, but the majority had the nuts and washers in bags. Just about all of those nuts were the wrong size. I wrote to Tayda and the they shipped me replacement nuts, free of charge. The moral of the story is: check your nuts.
I order extra nuts because I keep losing them. It is a peculiarly chips : dip style disequilibrium 🙃
I’m going to be 40 this year so this rings quite true, thanks Chuck.
Actually cancer of the nuts tends to be a younger man's disease. It's the prostate that you want have checked out when you're older. But then I guess Tayda doesn't sell prostate glands so the joke gets harder to make.

Maybe we should request prostates from Tayda to make the world of electronics a funnier place?