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Yup, I should be able to do that, just need to find the thermocouple that plugs into my multimeter. Neither one gets super hot, especially the 12AX7 when you're running 9V on the heater. But I'll see what I can do. Feel free to remind me if it's been a couple days and I haven't posted anything as I've most likely forgotten :rolleyes:
I forgot about it too, but my knobs arrived today, which reminded me to remind you to remember (confusing sentence there eh?)
New thermocouple arrived today :D I let the Echo Foxtrot run for about 45 minutes to let the temperature stabilize.

Surface of EF86 tube - 64.9° C
Surface of enclosure - 33.4° C

I have Space Heater warming up on the bench right now, I'll get a measurement on the 12AX7 for that as soon as it reaches steady state.
New thermocouple arrived today :D I let the Echo Foxtrot run for about 45 minutes to let the temperature stabilize.

Surface of EF86 tube - 64.9° C
Surface of enclosure - 33.4° C

I have Space Heater warming up on the bench right now, I'll get a measurement on the 12AX7 for that as soon as it reaches steady state.
Awesome! Thanks for the info! That means I’ll definitely be in the clear to go ahead with Plan A for the finish I’ll be using. It also means y’all should be safe to stomp on this pedal with bare feet without risking the sizzling feeling of hot asphalt/a george Forman grill, for those freaks of you who enjoy barefooted pedal stomping.
Awesome! Thanks for the info! That means I’ll definitely be in the clear to go ahead with Plan A for the finish I’ll be using. It also means y’all should be safe to stomp on this pedal with bare feet without risking the sizzling feeling of hot asphalt/a george Forman grill, for those freaks of you who enjoy barefooted pedal stomping.
@Bricksnbeatles Are you planning a "ventless" design? I just threw the first coat of primer on my Echo Foxtrot enclosure, mulling over what color to paint it, I may even venture out to Home Depot instead of rummaging around my garage for what's sitting around :p
@vigilante398 .... BTW... curse you and your BOM for turning me on to Antique Electronic Supply.....

Now I know where to get all the pretty parts to do point to point retro pedals.... There's no stopping me going down that rat hole...
It certainly is a good place for things like that. I get large boxes from them every few weeks. They get so much of my money :P
It certainly is a good place for things like that. I get large boxes from them every few weeks. They get so much of my money :p
When you're here tomorrow I'll show you some cool projects I'm imagining that I think you'll like.

Definitely might be a spot for some of you circuits...
Black Eye PCBs are back in stock. I have 50 more boards, but I only have 10 enclosures on hand so I'm only listing 10 boards for sale, but I'll get more enclosures in so I can put the rest up. I also got more stock in for Particle Accelerator.
Out of curiosity, do you have plans to release the Black Eye II PCB's for sale? After looking at the Black Eye II, I think I'd rather have that one rather than the prior version. The EQ and Bass Boost seem like more useful updates to me. :D