Delegate (The Warden) Compressor too slow release


New member

Anyone else experienced very slow release-times in this compressor? Seems to be around 5 seconds in the CCW-position... (propably should be more in the milliseconds-range so its really off by quite a bit) and closer to 10 sec in the CW position. Photoresistor distance from the LED seems to have some affection (further speeds up the CCW position a little). LED is bright clear white and photoresistor is facing to the side of it. Enclosure is closed and otherwise dark inside.

Or is there some other component that affects the release speed that I could try swapping?
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Yes, I have checked those threads and its possible also that not everyone detects the problem if they are not familiar with how compressors work - and also could descriebe the problem differently. I did some more testing with LED/LDR distance and tried dimming the LED with different amounts of tape wrapped around it and noticed it did not make that much of a difference in the timing. So I think its not about the LED brightness. Also have to remember that the timing is hundreds of times off (typical range in a compressor is from few milliseconds to maximum at about 1 second). I just dont know the circuit that well that I knew what components affect the release timing here - or is it only the LED/LDR+50K pot combination? If so, I think I should just test different LDRs and LEDs? Current LDR installed is GL5516.

Or could some optocoupler work here? That would expel the quesswork with LED/LDR distance etc?