DEMO Lil Buds (Harmonic Percolator, Axis, and Eric Johnson Fuzz Faces)

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5.00 star(s)
Got these old Bud Mini boxes for a couple bucks, and wanted to make some cute nasty fuzzes. So far, I've done
  • Lil HP - Harmonic Percolator (Big Clang spec BC177A / BC109C, with germ or led clipping). Added a 1k limiting cap to lug 1 of the input pot, and a 47n bleed across lugs 2&3
  • Lil AXFF - Axis style silicon Fuzz Face (2N2369 / BC109C)
  • Lil EJFF - Eric Johnson style silicon Fuzz Face (same transistors as above)
All three are built on MadBean Pepper Spray, Hipster and Violenzz boards respectively. I kept to the specs listed on the docs except for the transistors, and a couple additions to the HP.

Lumberg min jacks, Taiway mini switches (the stomps are actually damned nice feeling)

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Neither of the FFs are biased according to the doc, I just set them where I was having the most fun. These are all after the buffer in my One Control tuner
Lil HP



I'm hoping Bean brings back and expands upon the 1590a series, they're always simple and fun, and you can stuff em anywhere