Muffin Fuzz Green Russian


Well-known member
Good morning all,

Trying to build the Green Russian Muffin Fuzz. Not sure if putting non electrolytic caps in where it indicates to do so in electrolytic slots has me confused and making mistakes, but is there anything glaring here that I'm messing up on. Not getting anything on it at all.

Thank you

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What's with that spammy looking link at the bottom of your post?
Sorry, I used an image uploader to add the pics, it must have added it. I'll edit it out.

I have trimmed down the LEDs (I had them long so I could adjust to fit in the enclosure initially).

I'm getting nothing at all. I believe the pinouts are the same, but I'll double check. I just reflowed all the solder and it's still not working, so let me check the pinouts.
This should be the pin out for a normal 2N5088

what type of transistor are you using now?
if your not even getting bypass signal then we should work on that can you take some pictures of the power jack as well. How were you powering this prior too? As far as the metal film in place of the electronics it may be an issue but you should still get bypass regardless
if your not even getting bypass signal then we should work on that can you take some pictures of the power jack as well. How were you powering this prior too? As far as the metal film in place of the electronics it may be an issue but you should still get bypass regardless
Here is the power jack and connections

OK, so now it's working, but the LED is not working. I changed out the footswitch, and the LED, and I get regular sound in bypass, and fuzz when engaged, but no LED to show me when it's active.

And by the way, thank you all so much for the help with this. I really appreciate it. I know I must seem like a dummy, but this is my 6th build and I've never had these issues before.

Edit: NEvermind I assumed the square hole was the positive for the LED as it usually is. I reversed them and everything is working as it should be now. Thank you all so much again
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OK, so now it's working, but the LED is not working. I changed out the footswitch, and the LED, and I get regular sound in bypass, and fuzz when engaged, but no LED to show me when it's active.

And by the way, thank you all so much for the help with this. I really appreciate it. I know I must seem like a dummy, but this is my 6th build and I've never had these issues before.

Edit: NEvermind I assumed the square hole was the positive for the LED as it usually is. I reversed them and everything is working as it should be now. Thank you all so much again
I’ve built dozens and run into silly problems all the time! Congrats on working through it! Enjoy!!