UPS v. DHL (Tayda Shipping)...

Am I right in thinking you don't live in Germany?

Tayda via DHL is amazing fast here in SoCal. I can order something from Tayda (DHL) and PedalPCB (USPS) on the same day and the Tayda order will get here first.
My PPCB orders have been taking longer than usual with USPS. They ship fast but float around Florida for a couple days usually.
I got the impression (I forget where) that Tayda has multiple locations. I feel like some of my packages have come from Colorado? Not sure…

Anyway I feel lucky, I’m in the Baltimore/DC area and I always choose the cheapest shipping, and regularly get stuff faster than their estimates.

1) cheaper than UPS
2) they haven't failed me yet. every order has been delivered within 7-10 days of the order.
I got the impression (I forget where) that Tayda has multiple locations. I feel like some of my packages have come from Colorado? Not sure…

Anyway I feel lucky, I’m in the Baltimore/DC area and I always choose the cheapest shipping, and regularly get stuff faster than their estimates.
The Colorado address is a drop ship location
I haven't order from Tayda for a while, but my last experience with DHL was a non-sense, you can read about it here:

On Monday I picked up a DHL shipment from Tayda. I just paid the tax, no extra charges. But there are only two types of items on the list - potentiometers and knobs.
DHL is very fast to me in Australia. I'm perhaps a little embarrassed to mention that the delivery driver even recognises me when I'm out walking and has been known to hand me my parcel when I'm halfway to the shops down the street.
You know you have an online shopping addiction when your delivery driver is welcomed in for a coffee ;)
You know you have an online shopping addiction when your delivery driver is welcomed in for a coffee ;)
My Amazon Prime driver picks fruit off my loquat tree when it's season. We have an abundantly productive loquat in our front yard and no amount of canning, drying, jam making can keep up with the fruit production. We invite all our neighbors to come pick. Loquat makes a killer marmalade.
The answer is, it is not worth it to save 2 bucks. The answer is use DHL every time you can. I was just getting ready to start a thread commenting on how amazing DHL is, getting a package to me from Bangkok to Kansas City in 4 days. Around here, DHL is King. UPS is the most common form of shipping and they're okay, but the tracking is amazing on DHL and worth every penny. Whatever you do, never use US Postal Service around here. The cutbacks have left the local distribution center with not near enough employees or equipment to properly sort the massive amount of mail. I've had packages lost for months with usps.
Go DHL !!!
My rule of thumb is DHL from Asia, but not from Europe... last time I tried to get anything DHL from Europe it was a complete disaster.
The answer is, it is not worth it to save 2 bucks. The answer is use DHL every time you can. I was just getting ready to start a thread commenting on how amazing DHL is, getting a package to me from Bangkok to Kansas City in 4 days. Around here, DHL is King. UPS is the most common form of shipping and they're okay, but the tracking is amazing on DHL and worth every penny. Whatever you do, never use US Postal Service around here. The cutbacks have left the local distribution center with not near enough employees or equipment to properly sort the massive amount of mail. I've had packages lost for months with usps.
Go DHL !!!
DHL is amazingly fast and efficient to ship from Tayda to Canada. On average, my order took 4 days or less to be delivered. However, their recent change in broker fees policy is just not making it justifiable... I'll wait an extra 3 or 4 days to save the 90$ surcharge they hit me with last time.
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My Amazon Prime driver picks fruit off my loquat tree when it's season. We have an abundantly productive loquat in our front yard and no amount of canning, drying, jam making can keep up with the fruit production. We invite all our neighbors to come pick. Loquat makes a killer marmalade.
I had to google and i found Nespolo. It‘s quite unkown in our latitude, but i had the chance to eat them in Sardinia, Italy. Great fruit.
I had to google and i found Nespolo. It‘s quite unkown in our latitude, but i had the chance to eat them in Sardinia, Italy. Great fruit.
It's definitely an interesting fruit and my tree was planted as a sapling when we built out current home. It has grown into a huge shade tree in just 8 years and extremely prolific fruit producer. Tastes a bit like a cross between a peach, grape, and apricot. Great chilled and in salads.

One thing I have not tried to do yet is make a pie. I imagine it would be similar to a peach pie.