Bring out yer Diptrace

I've been tempted by the SMD service, but they don't do DDP for the EU with it. May have to bite the bullet and try..

In any case, a few of the things I've been working on to share the love.

Chuck's FET/Ge Boost:
A Pharoah Muff, trying to route based on audio path rather than aesthetics:
Proto-board for mini breadboards plus pots:
Chuck's basic relay made for 1590B:
@dan.schumaker - I have had loads of issues with uploading the CPL and BOM files previously and could never get it to work but I’ve had a breakthrough today with this PCB and managed to get it working! The amount you fit in a 1590A is beyond belief! 😂
Is "PirateCat" the name of the effect or the name of your pedal-company-to-be?
Name of the "pedal-company-to-be" sounds about right. :D I was thinking about naming the pedal Brünnhilde fuzz. It is also a goddess and a cat...
I'm still thinking about my NAMM experience last week, and in my daydreaming I thought about what I want to do when I get a booth. Most pedal companies used headphone amplifiers so you can get a quieter listening experience, but it made me realize I hate the sound of most headphone amplifiers out there. So I designed an OTL (output transformerless) tube headphone amp. It should be good for headphones down to 30Ω, so I'm excited to try it out and see if it's going to work the way I want it to. It won't fit in a pedal enclosure, but it should fit in an 8"x4"x2" chassis.

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As someone about to order the Bottlehead Crack OTL tube amp, I would totally buy and build this!
Same, not the bottlehead, but same.
It's actually a fairly straightforward design, I was thinking about making it available as a project if I liked it. I'll let everyone know. You need a power transformer and a chassis, and the power tube is a 6AS7G which isn't a common one, but otherwise should be fairly easy to put together if you've ever built an amp (or even a reasonably complex pedal).
My last PCB order hasn't even shown up yet (ETA is thursday) but I'm already ordering this and it's @Passinwind's fault. A tube mic preamp has been on my list for about two years now, and he finally convinced me to take a swing at it. It's a mixed design, all the power supply stuff is SMD and all the signal path stuff is through-hole. It's going to be expensive, so it better turn out cool or I'm going to be upset.

Screenshot 2023-04-24 230550.jpg
Is there a trick to bringing in artwork for the top silkscreen layer? It seems like diptrace wants to re-vector my vector artwork and screwing it up. I'm making my designs in inkscape, exporting to a PNG, then using "add picture" to the top silk layer, since I can't import an .svg to diptrace. Is there a better way to do this?
Export as DXF from your vector drawing program and import it in Diptrace as a layer of your preference. It is a bit clumsy and you need to find the config that works. If I remember correctly everything needs to be in curves.