SOLVED Hyped Fuzz - no signal through


Active member
hey guys, I really need your help 😢😢

my Hyped Fuzz lights up the led, but have no sound through it, even when it's bypassed;

I have no ideia what it can be, specially because I built 2 other pedals last night that went fine on the first try;
on this one I had my solder running low, so I used only enough (yes, on certain parts there are a lot more then enough, but I don't have the solder sucker thing 😔)

any clue of what it can be before I submit myself to redo all the wiring?

Captura de Tela 2023-11-12 às 16.05.01.png
Captura de Tela 2023-11-12 às 16.04.41.png
Captura de Tela 2023-11-12 às 16.04.09.png