Kliche mini - more gain than expected


New member
I got my Kliche mini up and running a few days ago, and have noticed that it's got more gain showing up earlier on the drive knob than any of my other klon-style pedals (Archer silver, Conspiracy Theory). It can clean boost right at the bottom of the drive knob, but anything above that it starts getting hairy.

It sounds good, but just unexpected. Have other experienced this? I'm thinking I may try some diode swaps to see how that plays into it's reaction.

I built it from a stompboxparts kit, with the included D9G diodes.
The Gain pot is a dual linear pot right (B-pot)? So the sweep shouldn't be as noticeable until later in the turn (unlike a logarithmic pot, or A-pot) which has finer tuning throughout the rotation.

Have you looked at the schematic to see what caps and resistors are running into it. Maybe you can choke some of the signal. Happened me before that I put the wrong resistor in (100r instead of 100k) and it can make a big, big difference).

Worth rechecking your components
I agree 100% with allsmoke. Also, now that you've identified an area that effects gain, put in sockets. This is now a prototype/customizable pedal. Experiment, find something cool and personalize your circuit!