Parentheses Mini GE Diode question


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New guy here. I've built a couple of pedals successfully so far, HM2 clones. I'm still VERY, VERY MUCH a noob.
Building the Parentheses Mini, the GE Diodes what value should they be? Was going to socket the PCB at D2 & D3 to try a couple different ones, but would be great to have the right-ish ones. Any help would be great!
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There’s really no ‘value’ in diodes. The parameter that’s measured, usually, is forward voltage, or Vf. That’s just the amount of voltage tit takes for the diode to turn on and conduct, if I’m not mistaken. But, I wouldn’t worry about all that until a build calls for a certain range. Any GE, or silicon for that matter, can be used in a clipping stage of a pedal. You just gotta find ones that sound good to you. Start buying a bunch of different GE diodes when you can find them at a good price. Don’t overpay. I recently bought some on the bay of ‘E’, they were Russian diodes, and I got something like 50 for $15-$20. Maybe try something like that.
FWIW, here are a few good articles on clipping elements . . . .

1) Saturation Controls
2) More Saturation Controls
3) Simple Easy Mods, Tips & Techniques
4) Diode Clipping Circuits

"Right-ish" is actually about understanding what a clipping element does. Whether it's a diode, LED, PN/NP junction of a BJT/FET or some other active PN/NP junction device, the Fvd (Forward Voltage Drop) and the curve-trace of any of those PN/NP junctions is the key to having a clue what clipping elements (and their different configurations) will do in a circuit.

Don't be afraid to "socket and see". Experiment.
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