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It was a fun ride. I'm where that green dot is at the lower left.
Folks in the midwest get tornado warnings on their phones. We get earthquake warnings. Basically, the alarm goes off at the same time the rolling starts.

View attachment 79975
Didn't feel a thing! Fun fact, there are over 200 quakes in CA every day but most happen in uninhabited areas.... I was a block away from the epicenter of the '71 quake and 4 miles from the epicenter of the '94 quake. Both very VERY bad quakes.... Both very early in the morning.
"In Finland, we value our personal space and don't like getting too close to other people."

Me: "How much is a flight to Finland?"

View attachment 80119
That. Or a passive aggressive way to prevent homeless people from sleeping here. It looks to be a variation of the useless armrests seperating benches into sears, that prevent one from laying down on it.

Finland, after all, is Europe's Florida.
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That. Or a passive aggressive way to prevent homeless people from sleeping here. It looks to be a variation of the useless armrests seperating benches into sears, that prevent one from laying down on it.

Finland, after all, is Europe's Florida.
They have swamps and alligators in Finland??? :sneaky:
fjords and black metal bands, same deal
You almost got it, considering where I got the comparison from... 😊


"Finland is essentially Europe's Florida. It's got swampland, swamp monsters, and racist rednecks. Not saying everyone in either locale is a racist redneck, just enough to turn it into a stereotype. From that stereotype, the one man project Goatmoon somehow became popular enough for edgelords to start toting his shirts and patches. However, after hearing Finnish Steel Storm, I'm convinced that these people wear that shit for the sake of being edgy and for no other reason because this is some lame-ass black metal."

Kind of like what Absurd was back in the day...

Still, let it be known that I appreciate Finland big time! Back in the 2004 I traveled by plane for the first time, by myself, to a black metal concert with Enochian Crescent, Satanic Warmaster and some other stuff. A friend moved there permanently. And I keep a close eye to the music scene, which remains amazing. Where a lot of music got stale due to an overload of active bands, Finnish takes on extreme genres still seem capable to bring something else to the table. And even if it inevitably runs out of steam like the rest, there's an untouched backlog of things to keep me occupied for decades to come.
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