Why don't PedalPCB build docs tell you what trimmers are for?

then don't build pedalpcb boards, build ones that have docs that meet your expectations. Just because build docs have added content doesn't mean all that content has value. I'll see myself out, clearly this is another one of "those" threads. good luck.
Harsh. I’m not sure it’s another one of those threats. I think it’s just cause Ming across wrong. He seems like good people.
These guys are all good people, they tend to jump in a defend where it isn’t actually necessary. They all have a weird man crush on @Robert and sometimes take things a little too personal. 😂 Take everything with a grain of salt and a whatever dude. 🤣 it’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Just yell at your current reading device, take a deep breath and take what is helpful and leave the rest.

When in doubt, seek @fig out.
I think pedalpcb caters to a more advanced type of builder and it's expected to be able to identify the parts of a circuit. There arent any kits or instructions beyond the schematic and parts list in the build doc. Was there on specifically you were wondering about?
It's funny, because I have actually had better luck as a beginner with PedalPCB builds vs others (Musikding, AionFX, etc)... I like that the components are listed ON the pcb, so many times I'll do a build and only print the drill template...
If I had one critique/recommendation, it would be listing the bias voltage of the trim pots, or offering the (v1,v2, etc) options in the build docs... So if I were building a Keeley Katana clone or Tube Screamer, I could see options as to which version I was building... much like the "Super Stevie" lists the standard version, flat eq, and high gain versions and what substitutions to make to get which version I'm wanting
These guys are all good people, they tend to jump in a defend where it isn’t actually necessary. They all have a weird man crush on @Robert and sometimes take things a little too personal. 😂 Take everything with a grain of salt and a whatever dude. 🤣 it’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Just yell at your current reading device, take a deep breath and take what is helpful and leave the rest.

When in doubt, seek @fig out.
It’s the beard

Just ask and you shall receive :)

Everyone here is super friendly and helpful. When i was new to building the docs were enough. Either i figured the rest out through logic and trial and error or i simply asked and got my answer here on the forum. The build docs aren't going to hold your hand but what the docs dont provide the forum will!
Stew Mac kit = Bunny Slope with rope tow

AionFX Kit & docs = Green run with T-bar

MadBean docs = Blue Run via the chair-lift

PedalPCB = Black Diamond run via the Gondola

Fabbing your own schtuff = Double-Black Diamond Heli-skiing

Designing altogether-new circuits = unassisted back-country, winter-camping, telemark

On a MTBing trip my 2 friends and I took a day off to go spring-snowboarding — I spent a few hours on the bunny slope teaching them, then told them to practice while I went off and had fun on some more challenging terrain. When I came back, the natural was ready to try something more difficult so I took him up the chairlift and left the un-natural to practice some more. When we went to check on him, he was bored and wanted to join us on the chairlift runs — no amount of common-sense could convince him to stick to the bunny-slope, even though he could only turn one way.

Up the chairlift he went and followed us down, turning only one way because 3-lefts make a right, right?

So as a beginner you can jump on the black-diamond runs — that's a choice you make. Don't worry, the ski-patrol will be along soon to bail you out...
When I worked in a guitar store about a hundred years ago my colleague had an excellent answer for when people would ask for a good book on how to play guitar. He said it's unlikely that one book will teach you everything. If you get two then maybe the second will explain something that the first one didn't, or at least explain it in a way which clicks better.

As I have learnt about electronics - almost all online, with a few books here and there - I have tried many sites and learnt something from each one. You'll never get it all from one place. Is that an excuse for slow build docs? Of course not. In fact slow to arrive build docs is something which should probably be punished more severely. I've never found any single site which has told me everything i want to know in one place.

But at the risk of sounding like a fanboi (even though I kinda don't really think I am) I think PedalPCB's single greatest strength after the huge catalogue is this forum. I know from first hand experience that it is annoying to have to search for info but that's just how it is. Doesn't make anyone right or wrong. I understand the frustration of not having every single piece of necessary info right there. But where does that end? After a while going through every possibility for user error the documentation becomes tedious for those who already know this stuff. I don't want to read through reams of the same info every single time I build something.

Don't stress - you'll get there. And if you have a question just ask. This is a remarkable forum. And if your comments have sparked an increased desire for speedy build doc presentation then I think you will have done us all a favour. :-) But I won't hold my breath!
You can get close. It's the jacks which make it tricky. When Tayda have Lumberg jacks in stock you could build a lot of Vero-based pedals with stuff from Tayda - a TS for example should be doable. The DC and in/out jacks are some of the most important parts to get right. Cheap jacks are just not worth it.
You take that back. :oops:

Aw Robert you know I am! When I say "not a fanboi" I mean only in the naively uncouth "OMG" gushing, unthinking way. I am more the "garçon du fan", the thinking, measured and well-reasoned fan; the beard-stroking (mine, not yours) afficionado who might sometimes nod and murmur "Mmmm, yes Robert, nicely done, trés bien".