The Pot dilemma


Well-known member
Ok, so started building a LGSM for a coworker and after discussions of mods decided the VFE Ice Scream (sherbet edition) would better. I ordered up the board and parts that weren’t included in the LGSM BOM not paying attention to the fact that the LGSM uses a B100k vol and the IS used an A100k. So now I am left with a need for an A100k with no desire to order anything more and the choice of either an A500k or the B100k. Schematics are, of course, very similar and aside from the “hearing more even change with logarithmic” should I chuck in the B100k or the a500k?
I've regretted every time I didn't use a log pot on a volume.

But I'm not sure what the switch to 500K would do to the control, so I'd probably stick to the B100K and regret it.
I've regretted every time I didn't use a log pot on a volume.

But I'm not sure what the switch to 500K would do to the control, so I'd probably stick to the B100K and regret it.
Yea, I feel like it’s either going to be the B taper with “no change until the last 25%” or the A500k with “all the change in the first 25%”. Meh. Not going to sweat too much ab it
Actually have tickets for the fam to see him in August. Queue another 3 months of Weird Al’s greatest hits courtesy of Alexa.
Saw him the day before my 23rd. My sister surprised me with the tix bc she knew how badly I wanted to see it. Incredible show, and just by chance he did Girl U Want by Devo for the encore, and I was going to Devo the following week!
I thought this might be interesting and as I already had a spice model of a tube screamer that I play with I decided to plot the differences between the options. Keep in mind this is a TS808 with the gain and tone in the middle of their sweep and then the level control turned from 0%-25%-50%-75% and 100% of the rotation.

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