Bring out yer Diptrace

I can see the appeal for the 1590B3 if you are making a double stomper. Apart from that, there is so much space inside a 125B that I don't know why you would want to deviate. Eager to see your perspectives there.

The only reason I don't standardise on 1590B is that 6 knob layouts don't work well.

On a separate topic, how about those faceplates? I am revisiting thoughts on those. I see some cool stuff like below, any other cool ideas you've seen?

Fjord Audio - raw copper with LED shining through the cutouts.
Bolt & Forge - same approach for the LED. Looks pretty nice.
Lichtlaerm -more "traditional" with the copper cutout. I like that the faceplate covers the entire enclosure. This does mean precise drilling of those footswitches. (Don't ask how I know).
ya, why are they $15?
Economies of scale, I guess.

Fewer produced/sold so there's no volume discount from Hammond's manufacturing to distributor to retailer on down to consumer.

@szukalski , that's precisely what I intent to use the B3 for, double-stompers intended for N1.

When every bit of pedalboard real-estate is precious, I think the B3 is a great in-between N1/BB size for double-stompers, or you want to add a few extra mods to something — the B3 could be the difference between squeezing one more pedal on board where a BB won't fit, but an N1 isn't big enough for the circuit.

IIRC, the B3 are a little on the pricey side, too.
@Feral Feline Double stompers are the way to go. I have played around with a 2-channel relay on a single footswitch and it works but is never the best usability experience. B3 look great, but then you have to paint them.. so much work!
de-uglified a previous board design. can work in a 1590B or 1590N1. This one I could match to PPCB drill pattern. Anyone have a quick link to the Tayda Drill Tool version? (I'm working with 0,0 middle of the enclosure origin now) Don't suppose it'd be in mils :p


oops. need to adjust some of those value bits to fit.
That looks really cool! I've never used a depletion mode mosfet before. How are you using them here? And would you be willing to share the schematic?

I've never used them but on paper they seem pretty cool. One thing I'm worried about, and probably should have thought more about, is that they might turn off on the negative swing of the signal in some places here. But half the appeal of depletion mode mosfets is that you don't need to bias them to turn them on so we'll just see what happens without biasing them.

This is just a simple boost -> phase splitter -> differential long tail pair octave -> boost. Seemed to work in LTSpice. I've done variations on this theme with enhancement mode mosfets and BJTs

de-uglified a previous board design. can work in a 1590B or 1590N1. This one I could match to PPCB drill pattern. Anyone have a quick link to the Tayda Drill Tool version? (I'm working with 0,0 middle of the enclosure origin now) Don't suppose it'd be in mils :p


oops. need to adjust some of those value bits to fit.

Alright we're fixed and aligned to the tri pot setup that PPCB uses! This should work in both B and N1 enclosures with top jacks. Made some tweaks in an effort to give myself a consistent look: IO, LED, and power pads, etc. Took out the Platinum Chip, because it was just getting too busy, even for something you won't see…


I know it looks wonky, but the custom (elongated hexagon) #1 pads on the pots will be there in the final form. Although arguably this makes it look even wonkier hahaha:


Based on a test upload to JLC, it will drill out properly.