The Fart Pedal

I just want mine to trigger samples of someone who actually knows how to play guitar....
I had a friend a while ago ask me to build a button into his guitar that makes it say "IT'S MORPHIN TIME" and now I kind of want mine to play random power rangers sound effects.
I just want mine to trigger samples of someone who actually knows how to play guitar....
In my senior year economics class we had to create a mock business for like a “shark tank” elevator pitch thing, and my teacher didn’t let me do a regular guitar pedal business because she didn’t get what it was, so I did exactly that as my fake business— a pedal that triggers samples of your favorite guitarists so you can pretend to be a competent guitarist
why do I see a bunch of you using such a pedal to recreate THAT section of Rocket Queen....

seeing that, wouldn't it make it just another eeprom coding for the arachnid/pythagoras builds?
with 16mb.. pretty sure I could hit a d chord and have it play a 96kbs mp3 of les paul, hendrix or cobain farting around the studio and a c chord half the steve vai scene from the end of "crossroads"