Bring out yer Diptrace

I still need to measure stuff when I get home before finalizing and ordering, but I threw together a drop-in PCB to turn my Monoprice 15W combo into a 15W Matchless DC30 (EF86 channel only) so it's a better pedal platform and more convenient than bringing my half-stack everywhere.

View attachment 60049

I've been holding off on this Monoprice thing, 'cause I've got a 5E3 I built, live north of the 49th so $hipping the 15w combo, and ... a whole slew of other excuses (mainly I'm broke), but ... You did say you were making these drop-in PCBs available — didn't you?


I've been holding off on this Monoprice thing, 'cause I've got a 5E3 I built, live north of the 49th so $hipping the 15w combo, and ... a whole slew of other excuses (mainly I'm broke), but ... You did say you were making these drop-in PCBs available — didn't you?

Well I mean, "drop-in" meaning the chassis and transformers stay where they're at, it's not just plug in connectors and go. There will still be a little work like running twisted pairs for the tube heaters and connecting offboard tubes (don't feel like PCB mounting them). But the idea is that it's as easy as possible, because I've built a dozen or so amps, and I don't really like building amps. But if you have the skills to build an amp kit, this would be a piece of cake. The biggest pain (in my opinion) of modding an amp is re-drilling the chassis, so I'm going to see what I can do to minimize that. Because I hate it.

Don't run out and buy the 15W on account of this, it hasn't been verified and was just an idea I had this morning, but after I get it verified if anyone wants a board we can talk.
I still need to measure stuff when I get home before finalizing and ordering, but I threw together a drop-in PCB to turn my Monoprice 15W combo into a 15W Matchless DC30 (EF86 channel only) so it's a better pedal platform and more convenient than bringing my half-stack everywhere.

View attachment 60049

I made a similar drop-in replacement for the Black Valve Junior board, just to incorporate some of the simple reliability tweaks.
Thanks to all the great info around the forum, I'm just finishing my first little project in Dip Trace:


I pilfered the schematic for the PedalPCB Parasite Wah and shrunk it down to serve as a cocked-wah effect rather than mounted in a treadle-shell. Certainly nothing fancy, but I think it was a good simple place to start.
Thanks to all the great info around the forum, I'm just finishing my first little project in Dip Trace:


I pilfered the schematic for the PedalPCB Parasite Wah and shrunk it down to serve as a cocked-wah effect rather than mounted in a treadle-shell. Certainly nothing fancy, but I think it was a good simple place to start.


"First project".... Pfff.

If that's your first project you're hired, and I quit. From this point forward you can direct all questions and complaints to dawson, I'm out, it's been (mostly) fun.

Very nicely done. :ROFLMAO: :love:

Okay okay.. I'll come clean-
This is the 4th or 5th attempt at my first project- I didn't mention I began over a month ago and had to restart a couple times.. :ROFLMAO:

All the inspiration, resources and schematic I needed came from right here on the forum!

@dawson — you got Robert with your layout's impeccable symmetry.

I've been watching 'im.

Every now and then I fall asleep thinking about pedals and dream about building, and sometimes I come up with circuit ideas in my dreams. So far about 60% have been impossible and the other 40% have sounded terrible. But I had a dream the other night about a tube-driven BBD chorus, and it still seemed like a good idea when I woke up, so I'm going for it. Still need to route, but I made it fit so far.

(tube sound)
Every now and then I fall asleep,
thinking about pedals
and dream about building,
(tube sound)
and sometimes I come up
with circuit ideas
in my dreams.
(tube sound)
So far about 60%
have been impossible
and the other 40%
have sounded terrible.
(tube sound)
But I had a dream the other night
about a tube-driven BBD chorus,
and it still seemed like a good idea
when I woke up,
(tube sound, chorus-ised)
so I'm going for it.
Still need to route,
but I made it fit so far.
(tube sound)

View attachment 61719

You've been listening to "Total Eclipse of the Heart" before sleeping again, haven't you?

With permission and some guidance from the designer, I'm attempting to hack this genius parallel switching apparatus out of a really cool double-fuzz build, the Peacock Parallel Fuzz by Aleph Null.


*don't worry- there will be copper pours

I'm told it can't be expected to blend certain combinations of circuits together nicely without addressing issues like phasing and input buffers, but I'm going to go ahead and get some prototypes printed to experiment with different flavors of parallel drives!

-Extra pads for larger gauge In/Out/Send/Return wires and choice of external 16mm POT vs. internal trimmer.
-Only 2/3 of the 3PDT gangs are used on the daughter board, but I have more 3PDT's around than anything else.

..and as I'm typing this I realize I should change one last thing before I send it off :ROFLMAO: